5) On a Mission to Horde Some Foodz.

ENGLISH: Rain rain go away, come again another day. I love you rain, you're pretty, your raindrops soothing...But GTFO already!!! D:

It seems like it's been raining non stop for the past week now, maybe longer. I'm surprised we weren't forced to swim our way to the grocery store. Instead we walked, but my shoes were quick to getting soaked after prancing through the occasional puddle. They're unavoidable!!1 ;3;

So, Tommy Waffles and I took a stroll to the nearest grocery store with the intentions of purchasing some edible loots from the local NPCs. The rain had gotten to them too. Their brains had clearly absorbed the nearby drizzle which resulted in their groggy demeanor and their soggy noggins could only deliver the most generic of actions and phrases.

But I felt their pain. I too suffered somewhat from the same affliction. I miss the days of endless sunshine, slapping you in the face with a bucket of sweat, and blasting you with its solar rays.

But summer is gone now. Autumn is inching ever closer and before you know it winter will have set in and I will be lost somewhere under the heaps of snow. Ultimately, nobody will find my body until sometime next year, after the snow has melted, and my boney skeleton is discovered, clinging to whatever vegetation managed to survive the harsh blanket of winter ;____;

But enough of the BAWWWfesting. We can conclude with said previous dribble that Emery Strudel = Not a fan of snow and coldface. Now, LET'S EAT US SOME NACHOS!! Omnomnom!

SVENSKA: Regnet har en tendens att späda aktivitet och roliga tider. MenTommy och jag var hungrig, så ovilliga att gå i regnet, vi gick ut för att köpa mat så att vi kunde sätta några i våra magar. Det varen härlig resa.

Posted By: Waffles

Ofcourse we didnt need to swim.. thats just ridiculous! We have boats you know.

But yeah, Luleå gets depressing during rain and winter periods. Altho i find Luleå depressing all year around it gets more depressing.

2011-08-22 @ 03:27:21
URL: http://www.tommywaffles.com
Posted By: Emery Strudel

No wonder the suicide rate is so high!

2011-08-22 @ 03:28:09
URL: http://emerystrudel.blogg.se/
Posted By: dite

allt bra idag?

följa varandra via bloglovin?

kika gärna in på min tävling också :D


2011-08-22 @ 07:08:26
URL: http://afroditeedreflo.blogg.se/
Posted By: Emery Strudel

@dite: Thanks! Gonna hold off on adding my blog to Bloglovin till I have around 20 or so entries and more pics of myself. But thanks for the heads up! Good luck with the contest =3

2011-08-22 @ 07:34:37
URL: http://emerystrudel.blogg.se/
Posted By: Waffles

@dite: Liiies!! You dont have an affro! >:C

2011-08-22 @ 07:55:59
URL: http://www.tommywaffles.com
Posted By: Emery Strudel

@Waffles: lolol I see what you did thar :p

2011-08-22 @ 07:57:30
URL: http://emerystrudel.blogg.se/
Posted By: Ida [ f l a v o u r e d . b l o g g . s e ]

Kika in och se vilken hårfärg du tycker passar bäst på mig :D. Just nu finner du även även en massa roliga tävlingar i min blogg. T.ex. i samarbete med Stockholmsgruppen Cosmetics, Freebra (kommer snart) och Ziperall samt en massa andra roliga företag - där du kan vinna bland annat, Zumba DVD, smink ifrån t.ex. märket MAC, smycken, skönnhetsprodukter osv. Direktlänk finner du här: http://flavoured.blogg.se/category/tavlingar.html

2011-08-22 @ 14:06:41
URL: http://flavoured.blogg.se/
Posted By: Emery Strudel

@Ida: So much free loots?! However will I contain myself! XD Seriously how is it that everyone on blogg.se seems to be running contests for random companies giving away free stuff? So random lol, thanks for the heads up though!

2011-08-23 @ 10:44:40
URL: http://emerystrudel.blogg.se/

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