1) Greetings Internet Hooligans!

ENGLISH: This is just a test. That numbing sensation tingling your frontal cortex and slowly frying your brain cells thus inevitably diminishing your IQ is the ever looming boredom that brought you here and it is the very same thing that will keep you here. Coming back occasionally; whenever it tickles your fancy. Out of curiousity, intrigue, or simply because you CAN! No matter, it's worth it. It's not like you were going to become a rocket scientist anyway ;p


Now, remember to keep your gaudishly over manicured plastic claws inside the ride at all times and don't forget....to be yourself! Because only youz guis can make me giggle like an incessant little school girl.


SVENSKA: Hej fjortisar och hallickar! Välkommen till min blogg, inte slicka tapeten, och kom ihåg oavsett hur löjliga ni är så upphör ni människor aldrig att underhålla. Tack för att ni checka in!

Posted By: Waffles

You just crushed my dream of becoming a Rocket Scientist...Meh.. guess a rockstar will have to do..

2011-08-21 @ 22:44:50
URL: http://www.tommywaffles.com
Posted By: Emery Lafis

Haha. Agreed! I think people would benefit more from your music than your faulty explosive gizmos anyway :p

2011-08-21 @ 23:01:41
URL: http://emerystrudel.blogg.se/

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