6) Someone Has Slaughtered My Slumber Sheep! GAAAHH!!!

ENGLISH: THIS IS BLASPHEMY!!! I cannot sleep D: without properly being able to count my sheep as they jump ever so gracefully over my bed I cannot thus promplty konk out and unlock the golden gates to dreamland.

It's been like this for what seems like forever lately. No matter how hard I try to fix my days it seems like I don't go to bed till around 6-9am and don't wake up till 3-5pm. It's insanity!

Going to watch some TV with Tommy Waffles, hopefully that makes me tired. If that doesn't help I'll clean up around the apartment a little, hopefully that makes me tired. If that doesn't help I'll walk down to Konsum to buy some stamps so I can toss that letter I've been meaning to mail into the post, hopefully that makes me tired. If that doesn't help I'll go into the city with Tommy Waffles to accompany him as he drops off some papers, hopefully that makes me tired. IF NONE OF THAT WORKS I'M GONNA DIEEEEeeEEeeEe!! D:

Now, I'm off! Let's see how affective my plans to help me fall asleep actually are...dundunDUN!!!

SVENSKA: Kan inte somna. Det verkar som alla fåren är döda. Jag ska dö eller annars förvandlas till en nattuggla och sluka smådjur. AHHHH D:

Posted By: Waffles

I think you need to rest your brain a little xD

We just gotta find that snooze button and utilize it whenever ur running all over the place.

Anyhows, i'll stay up with you so no worries!! <3<3

Ur company is always insanely entertaining :)

2011-08-22 @ 07:37:02
URL: http://www.tommywaffles.com
Posted By: Emery Strudel

My snooze button is broken. You're gonna have to resort to chloroform D:

2011-08-22 @ 07:43:02
URL: http://emerystrudel.blogg.se/
Posted By: Waffles

chloroform schloroform "Baaack in my daaays we just used ye olde oprah winfrey.. she sure made me pass out like an ostridge shuvs it's head underground."

Nah, we just need to find a way to make you feel calm. I think you're uneccessarily stressed out. You lay down in bed and i make worries go away

by reading you..."Winnie the pooh visits the nearest stripjoint" aaah.. those bouncing obviously fake and overglorified boobs sure makes winnie one sleepy STRANGELY yellow bear.

2011-08-22 @ 07:49:56
URL: http://www.tommywaffles.com
Posted By: Emery Strudel

Did you hear that faint popping noise? That was my brain. It just exploded T___T

2011-08-22 @ 07:52:56
URL: http://emerystrudel.blogg.se/
Posted By: HANNA

sv: hahah okej :D

2011-08-22 @ 08:07:38
URL: http://hannalovisasol.blogg.se/
Posted By: Sofia - Vinn en ziperall på min blogg!

haha! :D

2011-08-22 @ 08:13:59
URL: http://smnmode.blogg.se/
Posted By: AMANDA

Ha en super fin dag idag!


2011-08-22 @ 08:22:11
URL: http://amandayes.blogg.se/

härlig blogg du! :D

2011-08-22 @ 16:36:49
URL: http://missteenagersweden.blogg.se/
Posted By: gabriella

A: Haha, yes maybe a little early for you, and here by then .. c;

2011-08-22 @ 21:50:33
URL: http://gabriellaasigvardsson.blogg.se/
Posted By: Emery Strudel

@Hanna & Sofia: Glad to have made you laugh! SMILES! :D

@Amanada: Thanks! GLOMP

@Miss Teenager Sweden: yay! Happydance!!!1

@gabriella: No matter how hard I try, I always end up becoming quite the neurotic insomniac. At least it keeps me entertaining! Woooo!!!

2011-08-23 @ 17:45:09
URL: http://emerystrudel.blogg.se/
Posted By: Bodypalace

Hej kommentera gärna minst 3 inlägg i min blogg för att peppa tjejerna och killarna som är med.

Kommenterar du så kikar jag gärna in i din blogg igen och läser igenom mer noggrant ;) och kanske gillar jag din blogg så mycket att jag lägger till den i "bra bloggar" i min blogg så mina 500-1000 beöskare kan hitta till dig också.

Mvh Bodypalace – en blogg där alla är vackra & unika

(ursäkta reklamen men jag ser den som positiv, vill att så många som möjligt ska hitta till bloggen för se budskapet jag vill sprida och motverka kroppsidealen som media spyr ur sig)

2011-08-23 @ 18:07:12
URL: http://bodypalace.blogspot.com

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